Marge is the Best Accounting Software for Wisconsin Municipal Clerks

No Accounting Experience Required

You do not need a background in accounting to use the Marge Municipal Accounting Program. We make it easy for you.

No Payroll Restrictions

The Marge Municipal Accounting Program allows you to process your payroll with no restrictions. Set up vacation days and direct deposit with ease. Do you have a highway guy that also works at the cemetery? It can add everything on one paycheck. Even with the most complicated payroll and with all deduction types, it makes it easy. Many forms are printable right from the program, including but not limited to W-2’s, 1099’s, and the Quarterly 941 report. All forms are approved by the State of Wisconsin and the IRS. No need to buy or order forms again!

Get Training on How to Use Marge

We do not leave you on your own. We will do incremental training as needed on your time on your computer.

Yearly Billing Cycle Lines up with Your Budget

We bill our yearly maintenance fee in October, so you can use the remainder of your budget. If you do not have enough in the budget this year, no worries! You can pay in January instead.

Create Great Reports. Save Time. Use the Marge Municipal Accounting Program.

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Every Update is Included

Our annual fee includes technical help, training, form updates, and program upgrades. We also include offsite backups.

Have Everything Ready by the Next Board Meeting

The Marge Municipal Accounting Program is easy to set up. With a little bit of time, you can be set up and ready in time for your next board meeting.

Access Marge Anywhere

Since Marge is on a secure cloud server, you can access it by using the internet with your credentials. You can work from home on a snow day, or even from other locations if you are traveling!

Uniform Chart of Accounts Plus+

The Marge Municipal Accounting Program comes pre-loaded with the complete Wisconsin Chart of Accounts, as well as creating multiple "sub" accounts to track specific expenses. The preloading of the WI CoA makes it super easy to get started! Using the proper Chart of Accounts is important for the Form C/CT and for audits.  You just do your monthly accounting duties and the program will prepare the rest.

Additional Users

Your town can have multiple accounts to access your data files. You can give read-only access to your overseer. A designated auditor can have a separate copy of your data files, with their own user account. There is no cost for this user account. We create a full audit trail for each user to make everything easy to keep track of.

Finally! An Accounting Software Built for Wisconsin Filing!

The Marge Municipal Accounting Program helps you complete all of your filings with ease, including payroll and Form C/CT!

The History of TownHall Software Inc.

TownHall Software's beginnings started in 1982, when Dave Westerhoff was in the business of building computers and worked with a town clerk by the name of Marge Mueller. She was filling out the State of Wisconsin Form CT and wanted something easier than her DOS-based spreadsheet program to track her expenses and revenues. Dave, a serial entrepreneur, started to get the idea that he could build a database that would help her.

Dave spent hours with Marge to find out what she needed, and even drove to Madison to meet with the DOR to find out what would be the best solution for clerks. He then started a business with the program he built for Marge so he could help other clerks. Marge was very clear: she wanted 'her' software to be accurate and easy to use. It was her direct input that helped make the software what it is today. As our computer business transformed into a software company, Marge's input was invaluable, and in her remembrance, we renamed the software in 2000 to the Marge Municipal Accounting Program.

With the passing of Dave, TownHall Software continues to be family-owned and operated. It is now a woman-owned company, with Dave's daughter, Sue (Westerhoff) Hogg leading the charge and operated daily with Debbie (Stageman) Westerhoff and Carrie (Westerhoff) Nelson. The new leadership is grounded by existing values and the company is stronger than ever.

The emphases of the Marge Municipal Accounting Program continue to be easy to use and security. TownHall Software has continued to grow and serve Wisconsin municipalities. They have expanded our team to include Bob Campbell, who has moved Marge into the 21st century by moving the program onto a secure cloud server. And just like the beginning of the company - We are always seeking input to make our program the most friendly municipal accounting solution in Wisconsin!

Take the first step to improve how your municipality does accounting.

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